Neon Update Year 5 Market

This blog post is going to be about how my year 5 market group are going. 

My group is called ‘Neon Gang’, in the group are me, Grace, Tom, Mia and Ned. 

So far we have made our chip packet keychains, painted rocks, water colour bookmarks and stress balls. We have also got all of the equipment that we need for our ‘shoot for loot’ basketball game. We don’t need to make anymore items but we still need to make some discount cards for our products if we need to lower the price.

A challenge for me was that I was assigned to make the chip packet keychains and I hadn’t made them before so I had to look on YouTube and I saw some videos and tried them but non of them worked and they looked absolutely terrible. Then I asked my friend who’d done them before and he told me how to do it, I tried his method and they turned out really good.

We used lots of communication because we had to talk a lot over the group chat on our iPads because we weren’t always at school when we had good ideas. We used a lot of collaboration as well because we all had to help each other made our products. We also used resilience when our products didn’t turn out how we wanted it to. 

Mia and I sent emails to Mr. Josh Frydenberg to ask if he could attend our Year five market. He said that he’d tell us if he could come when it was closer to the day because he was very busy with the election. Ned asked Kmart to donate a gift card and Grace asked Target to donate toys for prizes.

Someone who’s been working really well in the group is Grace, she has been making her items and posters. 

What item would you buy out of our chip packet keychains, painted rocks, stress balls or water colour bookmarks? Leave it in the comments. 

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