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Hanging Onto the Bottom of the World

This term has been massive! Why you ask? Because of the Year 5 Production that we performed. It was an incredible experience and I am so grateful for everybody that helped it all come together. Here is a short reflection of my experience!

At the beginning of the term we had to memorise a short script that we would use to audition for a role. Then the long week of waiting for our role to be announced started! I got the 2nd fortune seeker but after a while most people got around 3 or 4 roles so i got 2nd fortune seeker, convict, WA bridesmaid and anti-bilite for the crowd. Then we had to learn all of our lines and start rehearsing for the play. Rehearsals went well and different groups would always be taken out to practise one at a time.

The play was called Hanging Onto the Bottom of the World and it was about Australian federation. The play is very funny and was really fun to perform. Here are some of the things that were hinted in the play.

Brides and bridesmaids:

The brides and bridesmaids were at the start of the play and represented Australian federations and basically getting married. I was a bridesmaid for Western Australia. My bride was late and that represented that WA was so big that it didn’t want to federate and share its land with the others.

Gold Rush Scene:

In this scene there was a prospector who announced that he had found gold. Then fortune seekers who i was a part of came out trying to get the gold because they were desperate to find gold and get money. The prospector then pretends that he doesn’t have the gold and this repeats twice. The prospector was based off Edward Hargroves because he was one of the first people to announce that he found gold and one of the first to even find gold. Then a Chinese dragon comes out and then the fortune seekers and Chinese almost have debate. Then a 1st official comes out and tells them that they don’t want the Chinese in their land. This represents the times in the past where people were very racist towards Chinese people.

Cricket match:

The cricket match was the anti-bilites who were against the bills and the federationist who were basically battling in a cricket match saying reasons why they shouldn’t or should federate. Some important figures in this scene included Henry Parks, Edmund Barton and Alfred Deakin. Henry Parks  was important because he died before federation. Edmund Barton and Alfred Deakin were important  because  they were the first and second prime ministers of Australia. Then someone said that they should give the vote to the women and everybody is stunned. Then people who had fake beards came out and revealed that they were women and a woman asked were all of the women were and the tea ladies who were serving tea and sandwiches the whole show came out. Everyone laughed

There were also some more scenes but those were the main ones that I was in.

A highlight of mine was seeing everything come together. After lots and lots of hard work and rehearsals everything started to work and i was amazing. Another highlight was seeing everyone become their character. I really enjoyed this because when you act you can just step out of your own self and act as someone completely different.

Shoutouts and thanks:

A challenge that I had was either projecting my voice or becoming my character. In such a big space that we performed in it was difficult to know that everyone could hear me. I had to practise being loud and projecting my voice. I also had to face the audience. The other difficult thing was becoming my character. To step inside somebodies shoes and become that character was difficult but very fun.


Some of the things that I learnt throughout this experience were mainly collaboration, organisation and how to get in character. Collaboration was a big part of the play because we all had to work together to get everything done and get it all working. We used organisation to come through the curtains at the correct time.


My shoutout goes to Leo! Leo played captain cook in the play. He was really funny and spoke loud and clear. He gave the crowd lots of laughters which shows that he was doing a good job.
Press here To access his blog.

The year 5 production was a be-au-tiful show and experience, so that ladies and gentlemen is a wrap (cough).

Term 1 reflection

This is a blog post of my experience of year 5 term 1. It has gone really fast but I have had a great time and here are some of those:


One of the biggest highlight for probably everyone has been APS. This is our first year doing it because we start it in year 5. We have been doing swimming, biking and rock climbing getting prepared for our swim, bike, run triathlon. In rock climbing I had to use a lot of courage because it pushed me way out of my comfort zone. I tried a lot of very difficult rock climbing walls that I had never done before. When you have pushed through or zoomed through the climbing part and you get to the top the sense of accomplishment feels amazing but then you have to come down which eventually I got used to and really enjoyed bouncing down the walls. In swimming I had to use lots of resilience because my group had to do 12 laps! We had a choice of what stroke we did but I did 9 laps freestyle and 3 very relaxing laps of breaststroke. This was a challenge and at the end I was very tired but it was still very fun. Now for biking, probably my favourite because I really enjoy going through trees, in big groups and on big jumps. I hadn’t ridden a bike for quite a while before this but I really enjoy it now. 

Maths. This year we continued maths extension which was really fun. One of the tasks that we had to do was to get these coloured blocks about 27 and put them into a 3x3x3 cube that has no of the same colours on either side so there can’t be two blues on one face or two or more reds on one face. This sounds easy and I thought this too but when you try it it becomes extremely challenging. I had to use lots of persistence to overcome my stress of about an hour of trying but then I got it! I won’t tell you the answer so that maybe you can try. That was only maths extension but in class maths It has been very fun. I have really enjoyed learning how to multiply and divide fractions. I am also very excited because we are starting to learn some Pi in maths to calculate the area of a circle. Impressive right?

New class and teacher. This year I am in 5B and my teacher is mr Benwell. I also have a new class of 26 people. Mr. Benwell is a really great teacher because he explains things very clearly and that makes it easy to understand the task that we are going to be doing. He is also a really good teacher because he makes there like 1.5+ hours of maths a day! Mr. Benwell is also an AFL goal umpire. In my new class we have 10 new kids and 16 previous kids from the school. In total there are actually 39 or 40 new kids in the 104 kids in year 5. It has been really nice to get back playing with my previous friends and make lots of new ones. 

What I have learnt:

What I have learnt this term includes a lot of the positive learners attribute out resilience. This is seek discomfort. What this means is push your self out of your comfort zone even if you don’t like it. One of the times that I did this was in the triathlon. I tried my absolute best and ran, swam and rid my bike as fast as possible and by the end I was very tired and a bit sore but I recovered and I was fine after. In the end I got a great result (in my opinion) and was very happy. Everyone can take the easy ways and just go slow and not use much energy (in this situation) but you should always push yourself to your fullest potential.


For next term some of goals are to be very confident in Chinese by playing a lot of education perfect. Finish my hunger games book or books and if we do maths Olympiad I want to get about 3 or 4 each time.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and have learnt a bit more about my first term in year 5.

Was there a time that you ‘seeked discomfort’? Tell me when.

Book chat

Here is a blog post that i wrote about the book 
types that I like and my favourite book chat books, 

book genres that I enjoy:

some of the book genres that I enjoy are adventure fiction, horror, fantasy and mystery. I enjoy these because they usually have lots of suspense and make you want to read them for hours. They also have lots and lots of fun and exciting scenes that accur in the books.

my favourite book chat book so far in 2019:

we have only had two book chat books so far which have been (for me) Goldfish boy and The magicians Elephant. I probably enjoyed the magicians elephant more than goldfish boy because it has a really good story line and also it isn’t too long so I can also read other book after.

What book genres do you enjoy? Can you write me a 10 book list of your favourite books? If not do 5.


New year, new class.

My first term in year 5 has gone past like the speed of light. There have been so many fun and exciting experiences that have been really enjoyable. Here is a few of those exciting times throughout term 1 year 5:


Maths has been really fun this term because we have been focusing on multiplication and division. I have really enjoyed these because I have learnt a new skill. The skill is multiplying and dividing fractions. I now feel really confident with this and will always remember this skill. In maths extension this term on of the things that we did was a rubik’s cube type puzzle. We had these coloured blocks and had to build a 3x3x3 cube with non of the same colour on each face of the cube. This was a massive challenge but I ended up getting the answer. 


APS is new this year because we start it in year 5. We usually would get to put down preferences down for what sport we do but this term we were training for a triathlon. We did swimming, rock climbing and biking even though we run instead of climb in the race. I really joyed biking because we got to go up hills, go through trees and I jumped over a log on my bike. I also really enjoyed rock climbing because it was a challenge but the feeling of achievement that you get when you climb to the top is just amazing. In APS we had to use courage because some of these activities we have never done and we might be pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. We also needed to use resilience to push through the times when something might be very challenging like in rick climbing. One of the main areas of the PLA’s that we had to use was team work because there was a lot of times where we were in a group and had to work as a team. In swimming my group also did 12 laps of 25m. That is 300m! I did 3 laps of breaststroke and 9 laps of freestyle. It was tiring!


This year I have a new teacher and his name is Mr. Benwell. He is my first male teacher! There is also 40 new children in the year which means 10 in each class. We also have lots of the previous children ta this school. Mr. Benwell is also an AFL goal umpire so I can see him on TV every once in a while. Mr. Benwell is a really great teacher and I am so lucky to have an amazing class.


This year I have a year 1 buddy like all of the other year 5 students. So far we have only done the swimming carnival and our house came last :(. This was a bit disappointing but I had a really great time. Next we will have cross country and then the athletics day. We have to run about 3k for cross country!

Music lessons:

This year I have joined a guitar group called the Spanish guitars. We have already performed a piece called Russian dance and are learning to more pieces, one called the Grassy Turf and the other Austairius (I don’t know how to spell it) which we will be performing with a mandolin group at a festival.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my post about my term in year 5 and have learnt a bit more.

What year are you in and what is your favourite subject?