All posts by mrslennox


Wondering who this cartoon boy is on my blog? It’s me in a cartoon form. We do a cartoon form because if we uploaded our real portrait of ourself someone could identify you.

An avatar is usually a cartoon version of you. You can customise them to suit your personality. We used this website to create our avatar.

We use avatars to show someone that visits our blog a cartoon version of our self. It also adds some personality to our blog.

I made my avatar in this way because my background is my favourite colour (blue), I used blue glasses, blonde hair spiked up because I sometimes use gel, I also used a black tuxedo because I like the way it looked with my background and glasses. I can’t forget I used a big happy smile because I’m always happy!

If you could choose any celebrity and make their avatar whose would it be.


New Book New Adventure

In year 4 we do book chat. Book chat is a time when we get to pick a book and we have 3 weeks to read it. After those 3 weeks all the people with one book are one group and another group with another book. There are about 5-6 groups.

The first book I read was Run Pip Run. I really enjoyed it and rate it 4/5. It was about a girl called Pip and her only guardian her grandpa had a stroke on her tenth birthday. The rest is about how she tries to get money survive and she meets a dog which she later on calls Houdini. Unfortunately her grandpa passes away at the end of the book.

My new book is 1836 Do You Dare? I chose this book because this year we are doing a convict day and our library teacher said it was about convicts. So far I like it and for what I’ve read so far it’s about a man called Declan and Danny, they are trying to escape prison and there is also a gang called Striker that murdered someone! I predict they are either going to escape prison or get caught and be in a world of pain but persist to escape.

What book are you reading and what’s it about.