6 thoughts on “Calculating volume”

  1. Hey Pat,

    Love how you’ve weaved in something about Pi as well! Nicely done. That sums up your work ethic being motivated to memorise that many places. I only know 8 digits of Pi, but I’m pretty happy with that. Have you ever found the total surface area of 3D objects before?

    Mr. B

  2. Hi Pat!
    Well, I think I’m pretty good at remembering numbers! Cause it’s not like I can remember 75 digits of pi! (Because I actually can’t) I can remember this much: 3.14159265! So, clearly I suck at memory compared to you.
    I have a challenge for you: try and remember 15 more digits!

  3. Hi Patty,
    Great dog post! (Sorry I meant blog post, woof). I really enjoyed it. You might even now be able to find the volume of my tennis ball that I found at the park near the tennis courts and borrowed forever! The most Pi I can memorise is 3kg of pie. (Ha I think you had a typo with pie (not Pi)). I prefer the beef and pork pie because I can get lots of energy for playing in the park after eating that amount of meat. Woof, woof, woof. Sorry there was a mouse that I had to get away from my non existent pie just then. Have a great time at school while I suffer not being able to go outside and find the possum that I nearly caught! Woof, woof, woof!

    From Milo your amazing dog! 🐾🐾

  4. Hi Pat,

    That’s amazing that you can remember that many digits of pi. What else are you able to remember? I bet you are good at Rubix cubes.

  5. Hi Pat
    Wow! I was wondering why you were so interested in Pi! That’s an amazing recall of numbers. I wonder what else you can memorise?

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